Wellness in the Workplace

The objective of Lauren’s 4-Part Series is to educate the corporate community about the importance of achieving and maintaining a healthy mind, body, and spirit. 

Attendees learn effective wellness principles and practices to experience inner peace and well-being in their work environment and in every aspect of their life. 

Benefits will include relaxation, stress reduction/management, enhanced work quality/creativity /efficiency, collaborative relationships and communication with colleagues and clients, and an overall healthy and positive work environment.   


Session 1

Mindfulness in the Workplace Overview (introduction to basic concepts and techniques)

Session 2

Value of Quieting the Mind (focus on slowing down the mind chatter)

Session 3

Importance of Being Mindful of Our Thoughts and Emotions (focus on our internal GPS)

Session 4

Maintaining Work-Life Balance and Prioritizing Our Mental Health

All sessions are currently remote and take place over Zoom