A Case for Wellness
and the Legal Community

Lauren’s 4-Part Series entitled “A Case for Wellness and the Legal Community” has been accredited by the Law Society of Ontario and by the Law Society of British Columbia.  The program's objective is to educate the legal community about the importance of achieving and maintaining a healthy mind, body, and spirit. 

Attendees learn effective wellness principles and practices to experience inner peace and well-being in their work environment and in every aspect of their life. 

Benefits will include relaxation, stress reduction/management, enhanced work quality/creativity /efficiency, collaborative relationships and communication with colleagues and clients, and an overall healthy and positive work environment.   


Session 1

Mindfulness in the Workplace Overview (introduction to basic concepts and techniques)

Session 2

Value of Quieting the Mind (focus on slowing down the mind chatter)

Session 3

Importance of Being Mindful of Our Thoughts and Emotions (focus on our internal GPS)

Session 4

Maintaining Work-Life Balance and Prioritizing Our Mental Health

All sessions are currently remote and take place over Zoom